Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Summer Film Fest

Monday the Bf and I went to see " Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince". It was good but not my favorite of the series. That honor goes to 'Goblet Of Fire". The movie seems to center around more of the kids becoming more mature and noticing the opposite sex. I love the dynamic of Hermoine and her hard time dealing with her growing feelings for Ron. It is a shame that so much of the book had to be cut out to fit the film time. If not the movie would have probably been 4 hours long.The main missing part is the ending battle on the grounds of Hogwarts while the confrontation between The Deatheaters and Dumbledore in the bell tower is going on but over all I enjoyed the movie.
Overall we have been keeping up with our summer movie schedule this year. So far since the summer movie season '09 started we have seen:

1. Star Trek
2. Angels And Demons
3. Terminator: Salvation
4. Up!
5. Land Of The Lost
6. Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince

The next movie on our list is "The Orphan" which is released on Friday. We have not yet seen seen the new Transformers movie. I still have not seen the first so that one is up in the air. So far I have not really been disappointed with anything we have seen this year with the exception of "Land Of The Lost" Don't get me wrong is wasn't terrible it just wasn't great either. My favorite so far has been "Up!" Love Mr. Frederickson.

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