Saturday, January 31, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

Yesterday was movie day for the BF and I. We went and saw Slumdog Millionaire. I had reservations about seeing it. I didnt know if I would like it or not. Let me tell you I loved it. Such an awesome and moving film. I have a strong feeling that this will indeed win best picture at the Oscars next month.
In other news nothing much happening on the homefront. For the past couple of days I have had a toothache that has been coming and going. Very irritating.

Friday, January 02, 2009

" I Am Here To Recruit You"

Today the BF and i went to see the film MILK. I wanna say that the film was one of the most inspiring films I have ever seen . Sean Penn was brilliant as Harvey Milk and deserves an Oscar for his performance. I encourage everyone to see this film not just the GLBT community. Harvey's life and accomplishments are a part of our history and his story deserved to be told. Gus Van Sant did an excellent job in doing that. Please go see this film and I dare you to say that you were not moved or inspired at any time during the 2 hours and 8 minutes you are watching.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

The Year Of 37

Well once again we say good-bye to another year. 2008 was a pretty good year for me . I got promoted, got a car, and moved to my new better apartment. There were only a few set backs such as my car getting hit a week after a had it and not being able to go to see Madonna in Los Angeles. I hope to make 2009 a better year. I do have a few resolutions as follows;

1. Start 2010 better of financialy than 2009
2. Read more
3. Reconnect with the Bf
4. Get into better shape
5. Keep better contact with my friends and family
I want to thank all those in my life who have been there for me and loved me during the past year. I know I don't express it a lot but you guys mean the world to me and without you I wouldn't be who I am today I hope everyone has a awesome 2009 and may it be the best year yet!