As I mentioned in my last post, the BF and I went to Savannah this past weekend. Aside from the true reason we were there it was a good trip. We arrived Thursday night in Atlanta. The original plan was that a friend of mine was to pick us up and we were all going to go down together but that friendship no longer exists . So we rented a car and drove to Savannah. The next morning we woke early and walked to The Lady and Son's which is Paula Deen's restaurant You have to get there early to get a reservation. We arrived at 830 am and the line was half way down the block. When they started taking reservations at 930 am the line was down wrapped around to the other side of the block. We got a dinner reservation for 6 pm that night. The rest of the day was spent walking and me showing BF the city. After awhile we went back to the hotel and rested til dinner. We arrived at Paulas at 530 pm and they have you wait in a room til you are called. We ate on the 3rd floor and had the buffet, the food was excellent. Good ole' southern friend chicken, corn bread, mashed potatoes, etc. It was awesome. After dinner we stayed in for the rest of the night.
On Saturday it was more walking and sight seeing. We toured the Mercer House. This is the house where the shooting that inspired the book " Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil " took place. You are only shown the first floor of the house which is gorgeous. You actually get to go in the room where the shooting to place. The house is full of art and antiques. Simply beautiful. After the tour I showed B Forsyth Park ( The picture above is the fountain in the park). Then we ate a awesome hamburger place called 5 guys. After that we just relaxed at the hotel.
Sunday we went to Tybee Island . Now before I go any further let me explain that the BF is not used to humidity. We live in Arizona were its hot but dry so he wasn't handling the weather in Georgia very well and that is why we rested at the hotel a lot. Now back to the story. We walked the beach for about 30 minutes then decided to head back. On the way to the car B announced he needed to stop and rest. A few minutes later he passed out in the sand. Luckily two ladies saw this and helped. They gave me a glass of water to give B and one of the ladies called 911 while they other cooled B off by a shirt dipped in the ice water from her cooler. The EMT and beach patrol showed up quickly. They put B in the ambulance and had him rest and cool off. after about 30 minutes they felt he was ok and let him go. i just want to say thank you to whomever those 2 ladies were. I don't know what I would have done if you had not helped. You are angels and I appreciate it all. Needless to say we just stayed in the rest of the day and my guy is fine.
Monday was court and once that was done we headed back to Atlanta. We spent the night at a AWFUL hotel near the airport ( I do not recommend Super 8 motels to anybody) and at 8:05 am Tuesday we were on the plane heading back to Phoenix.
Over all it was a good trip and I think the BF enjoyed it (Well except the beach). I am just glad to be home!