The Emmy's have been known for the snubbing of some great shows and acting. Sarah Michelle Gellar for "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" , Lauren Graham for "Gilmore Girls", Edward James Olmos and Mary McDonnell for "Battelstar Galactica" Sci fi has always had a hard time with the Emmys.
Now there are some nominations I was very pleased to see. Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange for "Grey Gardens" and Jim Parsons as Dr. Sheldon Cooper on ABC's "The Big Bang Theory" are just a few. Some categories I feel are not needed such as Best Reality Show Host. Speaking of reality shows, here is an interesting fact. "The Amazing Race" has won best reality show competion every year since 2003. In fact it is the only show to win that category. "American Idol' has been nominated every time and has never won.
The 61st Primetime Emmy awards airs September 20th on CBS with host Neil Patrick Harris.
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