As usual the BF and I are watching this summers edition of Big Brother. So far it has not been that exciting of a season but ,hey, we are only 3 weeks in. So far our 2 favorites are Jeff and Jordon. The one person I can not stand and personally would bitch slap if I was in the house would be Ronnie. This guy is a total douche. Do you remember in high school there was always this one nerdy kid that the jocks and popular kids let hang around them? The nerd thought he was super cool and part of the gang while the jocks and populars just wanted a bitch boy? That boy is Ronnie. He goes around acting like he is a god when everybody is laughing at him and dislikes him. He thinks he is running the game but in all honesty he is just doing the jocks bidding so they don't get their hands dirty. Hopefully the rest of the house guests will smarten up and get Ronnie out before he ends up like Evil Dick did a few seasons ago. Be hated by all but still winning the whole thing.
Another thing about Ronnie is that the boy is the biggest closet case I have ever seen. He is "married" to a woman but so was I once. He just has this gay vibe about him to me.The way he jumps up and down when he wins something, the crying, and best of all ... when he won HOH and got to get his CD that he chose...it was Legally Blonde : The Musical. Cmon!!!! GAY!!!! (allegedly)
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