Paula Abdul announced yesterday that she will not be returning as one of the judges on American Idol when it returns for season 9. Apparently this stems from a money dispute between Abdul and Fox. She wanted $20 million to return and Fox would only offer half of that amount(yet the paid Ryan
Seacrest $45 million for 3 years) I do not know if I will watch Idol with out Paula. I am not a big fan Of Kara
DioGuardi who was added as a fourth judge this past season. Abdul has been reportedly talking to producers of the show "So You Think You Can Dance" to be a judge on that show which ironically is on Fox. I do feel that a dancing
competition is more suited for Paula than a singing
competition. Now with Abdul leaving my
burning question that I have always wanted to know will never be answered. What was really in her Coke cup????
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