So yesterday the BF and I went to the Arizona Renaissance Festival. Over all it was an enjoyable day. i will post pics on my facebook page when I can find the USB cable for my camera. What I want to discuss here is that apparently I have a bit of road rage when driving. It was awful driving on the 101 yesterday. Twice we got stuck in traffic jams because of construction. No warnings that it was coming just ..boom...your stuck. What should have been a 60 minute trip turned it a 2 and half hours. What really bugs me is when people clearly see a sign telling them they need to merge and what do they do??? Instead of merging they just keep on going right to the last possible point where they have no choice but to merge. WTF??!!! So yeah I guess I play the ass and I don't let them in. So bf was afraid I was going to get us shot at. I never knew how bad I was because when I drive I am usually by myself. When we go together somewhere he usually drives. Its funny how you never know these thngs until somebody else points them out. So to all those jerks on the 101 yesterday who wasn't let in merging traffic by a white Chevy Cobalt and to my passenger I apologize.
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