Everybody who knows me knows that I am a huge Madonna fan. I am there at the store on the release date for every cd or dvd. I have been asked why I love her so much and oddly I can not really answer that. Her music has become the soundtrack to my life. "Live To Tell" reminds me of being gay in high school and longing for the day I could be myself. "Erotica" reminds me of my slut phase. "Oh Father" of my childhood. "Nothing Fails" describes exactly what I feel for my boyfriend. The list could go on and on. Unfortunately I have never seen my goddess live. When I lived in South Florida "The Drowned World" tour came through but I could not afford to go. I had no sooner moved "The Reinvention" tour came through. Now Madge is once again taking it on the road. "The Confessions" tour is now playing in the U.S. and she is coming to Phoenix!!!! Bad thing is she will be there 3 days BEFORE I arrive. Am I destined to never see her live? The Boyfriend has ( though he saw the worst tour of her career in my opinion. The "Who's That Girl" tour. Jealous maybe but I digress) There are rumors that either HBO or NBC will air the concert. I am really hoping its HBO because NBC will have to edit alot and whats the point then? So once again I will be on the sofa seeing my girl but as God as my witness one day I will be in the same building as She singing every word right with her. Only then can I die truely happy.
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