This is what happens when i have 13 days off and a free pay check. I went a bit crazy on the dvd purchases this week . Good thing is I now have all 7 seasons of Golden Girls ( Yes I know ..HOW GAY!) but also got Season 2 Heroes and Season 1 of Samantha Who?.
Speaking of Heroes I thought last nights debut of season 3 was awesome. I think they are returning to the formula they used in season 1 and i am glad for that. I cant wait to see who will remain a Hero and who will become a villian.
Another show we are watching is Fringe. Excellent show. Sort of X Files - ish . I think it will last this season.
Well I am sad to report this is my last day of vacation. back to work tomorrow at 9 am. I am not looking forward to it but you gotta do what ya gotta do. I did get alot accomplished on the vacation . The main one was the move wich is all done and everything is now in its right place. We went over today to the old apt. to vacuum and turn in my keys. So I am now done with that hell hole. Many thanks to the Bf and his roomie for the help they gave me on moving day. Even after the bf injured himself twice. Poor Lil guy. Its so nice to be somewhere and actually feel like its home not someplace you can't wait to escape. Yup I ain't going anywhere for a while !